Oh my, oh my, oh my! When was the last time you went through your spices and condiments? I didn’t think I had let mine get out of control. Until today! Truth be told, the coffee maker needed a new home, and I think right here is the spot. Since I need to clear these guys out, I figured I will go through them and see if any have expired, and well…. A few. And many, many, many duplicates! So many duplicates. We have 4 cumin! 4! We can’t use all that before it goes bad. Throw out the expired stuff, unload duplicates, you can’t use it all before it goes bad. This way some one in need will get to use it. Now it’s time to be honest - the spices that you bought for that 1 recipe that you will never make again. Let it go! Just let it go! This is an easy way to get that kitchen organized.
Free up your space! The next time when you are cooking and you reach for a spice, you’ll know where it is at. It will save you time, stress, and anxiety. Doesn’t that look so much better? I have a list that needs to be replaced ASAP.
I keep my oils and vinegars close to my spices. I don’t know if that’s normal or not. It’s just what I do. My daughter and I were laughing so hard because I put them on lazy Susan’s. “Mom, one good turn and those bottles could go flying.” The best part is that I thought the same thing. When I was looking for a turn table I looked for one with the biggest lip on it hoping it would keep everything nice and tidy inside. So far we have not had any flying bottles around the kitchen, but I’ll keep you posted. You just never know.
Now that this area is finally cleaned up, I can see if the coffee pot and cups will work. The first step is to take out all of the cups and wash out the cabinets. I inspect the mugs for cracks or chips, those are trash. I used to be a runner, it’s time to donate the “free” mugs from the races. While I’m inspecting the mugs and wiping the cabinet, I’m going to do the same with the rest of my dishes. I don’t have a ton, but this way everything is clean and I know the dishes and serving pieces are safe. Pictures are so much fun!
I put everything where I think I’d like it, changed my mind, moved it…. I did that 3 times until I thought I finally had it right. Then for the grand finale - the coffee pot! It was beautiful. The mugs, coffee, and the maker all by each other! Yippie! Then dinner was made, and I realized why the counter is always clear, that is where we meal prep! 🤦🏻♀️ Back to Square 1 to figure out a home for the coffee pot!