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The following Terms of Use is a legal contract between an individual user and Square 1 Organizing, LLC. By accessing the Square 1 Organizing, LLC site or using its services, you acknowledge that you understand, agree, and are bound by these terms.

Privacy Policy

Information regarding clients will be treated confidentially at all times. When providing services within a home or business, we may encounter items of a personal or private nature.  This information will not be shared outside of Square 1 Organizing.


Media Release

The Client releases all rights to before and after photos, videos, and other forms of media to be used by Square 1 Organizing, LLC for marketing purposes.  This includes but is not limited to websites, social media, printed material, and educational material. Client identity and confidentiality will always be the top priority regarding photo usage.


Modification of Terms
At its discretion, Square 1 Organizing, LLC may edit, add, or remove parts of this agreement. If changes are made, Square 1 Organizing, LLC will make a reasonable effort to provide notice.

Prohibited Conduct
You are solely responsible for your conduct while on this site, and agree to abide by all laws, contracts, intellectual property and third-party rights.

Square 1 Organizing, LLC reserves the right to terminate access to my site and block future use of my services if it deems these Terms of Use have been violated.



Unless otherwise stated in writing, all Square 1 Organizing, LLC services are charged on an hourly basis.  Invoices are due upon receipt.

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